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Alpha Wolf | Baltimore, MD

The Half Living Things tour went to The Baltimore Soundstage on May 8th in Baltimore, Maryland. The tour consisted of Alpha Wolf, Emmure, UnityTX, and Chamber. 

The first band of the night was Chamber. They kicked off their set playing "Chamber" and "Retribution." As the band continued playing, the venue started filling up. About halfway through their set, the crowd started a mosh pit. The band picked up the energy from one song to the next, which the crowd enjoyed. They ended their set with "Hopeless Portrait." You could hear the intense bass line throughout the venue.

Up next was UnityTX. This band is well known for mixing rap and hardcore music very well. They started their night playing "PLAYING FAVORITES" and "LOST IN DAYZ,” which got the crowd going. The band's energy ignited chaos in the crowd. They ended their set with "RUCKUS" and "ROCK SH!T."

Emmure took the stage next. As the band took the stage, they started playing "You Asked For It." As soon as the vocalist, Frankie, took the stage and said, "MOVE," the crowd went into complete chaos. The band wasted no time going from one song to the next, and the crowd constantly bounced and moved with the band. There were moments you could see Frankie staring into the crowd while the lights dimmed low, and you could see the crowd moshing their hardest. They continued their set playing "Solar Flare Homicide" and "10 Signs You Should Leave,” in which you could hear the crowd screaming the lyrics back with the intense riff vibrating off the walls in the venue. They ended their set playing fan favorite “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

Finally, it was time for Alpha Wolf to take the stage. They kicked off their set playing "Bring Back The Noise" and "Double-Edge Demise." Vocalist Lochi shouted to the crowd he wanted to see some crowd surfing. They obliged, and you could see a storm of bodies floating towards the barricade. They continued their set playing songs off their new album, Half Living Things. You could see guitarist Sabian constantly interacting with the crowd with different gestures. They played "Bleed 4 You," and the crowd sang every word of the song with the band. During "Sucks 2 Suck," one of the members of UnityTX joined the stage to help with vocals. The band closed out their set with "Akudama." Lochie told the crowd he wanted everyone to move and security was ready. They threw out black and orange beach balls into the crowd. Not a single person stood still for the rest of the night.