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Citizen | Chicago, IL

The snow and cold didn’t stop a single person from coming out to see Citizen on the final night of their tour with Modern Color & Narrow Head in Chicago, IL, celebrating the release of their latest album, Calling The Dogs.

Modern Color kicked the night off to an already full room with a strong seven song set, rarely stopping to talk between songs, besides to thank Citizen for having them out on the run and to encourage the crowd to keep moving throughout the set. It’s not often you see a room the size of Concord Music Hall filled out for the first band of the evening but Modern Color made that happen.

Narrow Head was up next, and the band immediately demanded the attention of the crowd from the moment they stepped on stage. Within the first minute or two of their set, pits opened up, and security was catching crowd surfers as they came over the barricade. They played an eleven song set that had everybody off their feet from start to finish.

By the time Citizen was about to start, you could feel the excitement in the room. They kicked their set off with a colorful strobing light show as they went into “Hyper Trophy” and “Jet” as the entire room opened up into circle pits and crowd surfers climbed over the audience. 

Their eighteen song set was the perfect balance of both new and old tracks, keeping the crowd moving and finger pointing throughout the entire night as the light show made everyone appear to be moving in slow motion at times. Toward the end of the night, the band took a second to talk about this tour and how every time they plan a tour, they have a list of bands they would love to have on the road with them, but it rarely works out that way, except it did this time with Modern Color and Narrow Head. Calling the tour a “dream lineup,” they also took a second to thank the crew they had on the road with them and the fans for coming out before closing the night out with “When I Let You Down,” “Death Dance Approximately," and coming back out for a encore of “I Want To Kill You."