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Fencer "Joseph Courtney" Review

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Fencer continues to elevate the definition of garage rock opera with their latest single, “Joseph Courtney”. A highly-anticipated classic song for the band that comes along with the announcement of their debut album coming in February of 2023. 

Who exactly is Joseph Courtney? For lack of a better name, he’s confident, he’s sexy, he’s carefree. Everything a musician would strive to be in order to keep the attention of the crowd they’re performing to. He’s the cool alter ego to embody when being oneself just isn’t cutting it.

Slick guitar solos and choruses filled with vocalizations remind the fans of why they fell in love with the band in the first place. While Fencer’s sound is similar to what can be heard from most suburban garage rock bands across the country, there’s a special energy around their music that sets them apart from the locals.

If “Sanitarium” is the song playing on a road trip, “Joseph Courtney” is what’s playing upon entering a hazy bar washed in a dark blue light after driving for hours.
