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Hot Mulligan "You'll Be Fine" Review

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With pop-punk already being such a popular and saturated genre, it can be difficult for bands to find ways to stand out. And standing out in a way that doesn’t alienate a core demographic can be even more difficult. On You’ll Be Fine, Hot Mulligan fuses the catchy hooks and yearning lyrics of pop-punk with the grooves and synth interplays of indie rock in a way that many types of audiences will find aspects to enjoy. 

The album opens up with “OG Bule Sky” a firey riff-filled burst of energy. Not only is the instrumentation top-notch in this track, but the vocal performance is filled with passion and great melodies. The contrast between verses and chorus makes this a real roller coaster of a song, with many dips and turns. 

 “*Equip Sunglasses*” presents the band in an almost dancey vibe and flexes their indie-rock muscles. The song features an ultra-catchy and hum along-worthy guitar riff and one of the albums best choruses. Definitely my personal favorite from this album, and this band in general.  

“Analog Fade (New Bule Sky)” changes things up with a cruising groove, really allowing the drums and guitars to shine. Twinkling guitar riffs aid a trance-inducing drum groove in creating an inviting atmosphere that really grabs the listener. This provides dynamic to the album in a way that mellows out the mood a bit but doesn’t kill the wave of energy provided by the first few tracks.

Although this listen does provide many twists to the modern pop-punk sound, there are instances where I’m left wanting a few more. The band could benefit from a few more variations in key signatures and vocal patterns. Luckily no two songs are structured exactly the same, giving each song its own identity. It’s just that certain songs innovate and challenge the norms more than others. 

A particular aspect I enjoy about this band and release is the chemistry between instruments. The band members play off each other fantastically, never stepping on each other's toes. Especially shining is the chemistry between guitar and drums, providing tight grooves and many mystifying rhythms. In a genre this upbeat and firey, it can be easy for aspects of the music to be lost in the mix. Hot Mulligan manages to create walls of sound that will get crowds riled up and excited, but also allows for dynamic and breathing room in their songs. 

With “You’ll Be Fine” Hot Mulligan takes risks and challenges themselves to do many things outside the norms of a pop-punk band. This is definitely a band with some staying power, and hopefully, one that continues to innovate. Raging and moshing to these songs will definitely be fun, but don’t be surprised if you see a few dance moves in the pit, too.

Favorite Tracks: OG Bule Sky, *Equip Sunglasses*, Analog Fade (New Bule Sky) 

By Matt Jiles