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Intervention "The World Is Screaming" Album Review

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This debut album from Florida-based rock band Intervention was my introduction to the band, unsure what I was in for I can honestly say this is a stellar album. With an opening track that eases you in with the simple vocals and a single guitar before the percussion swoops in and raises the tempo of the song. The sick riffs and screaming backing vocals add to the essence of the song, which also happens to feature the titular lyrics amid a vocal breakdown that compliments the rising and falling flow of the track. The first of ten songs on the album, ‘Listen’ kicks off strong and sets the tone: loud, relatable, and a bit nostalgic when it comes to the sound.

If you are like me and enjoy when album sequencing sees two songs flow so seamlessly together that you don’t even realize that they are actually separate tracks, then this album has a treat for you in ‘Safe I’ and ‘Safe II’. Intervention once again eases you into the track before picking up in both tempo and energy, it keeps you invested as it slows to a gentler sound before crashing back to life on ‘Safe II’. The symmetry of this duo really hooked me and had me coming back time and again to experience the steady build of ‘Safe I’, a smooth crescendo of the transition, and the higher energy and gentle close of ‘Safe II’.

While most of the album consists of rock songs, Intervention has perfectly placed some softer tracks in ‘When’s This World Going To End?’ and ‘Cabin Fever’. Track five and eight respectively, these two provide a balance for the more guitar and drum-heavy tracks on the album. While these are slower tracks when compared to the majority of the album, they do not disrupt the overall vibe. 

This album brings to mind soundtracks of teen movies of the early 2000s, as well as the rock bands that are so often seen performing in them that leaves you wondering if the band is real or fictional. There is no question when it comes to this band, Intervention is the real deal. Their work on The World Is Screaming Intervention has earned them a regular listener, I felt like a kid again listening to my older brother’s music playing from down the hall. This debut album gets a 10/10, safe to say I love it and will certainly be adding it to my heavy rotation for the foreseeable future.