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JER "Bothered/Unbothered" Album Review

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Any fans of ska or punk with a focus on lyricism are sure to fall in love with JER’s debut album, Bothered/Unbothered. Easily a contender for Album of the Year, JER tears it up from start to finish with heavy-hitting lyrics, high-energy melodies, and a smashing horn section. They weave a beautiful epic from the circle pit to the living room floor, giving insight into a side of life that many people don’t see. There is a song on this album for everyone, no matter what you like.

            Musically, every song on this album gives ska a twist. Just when you think it’s setting up to be that ‘classic’ ska sound, JER throws their own curveball to give it a unique and fun flare. There’s synth and rap and so many other fun additions I simply can’t spoil; you’ll have to give the album a listen for yourself. And to tie it all together, JER layers all their musical genius with insightful, judicious, and critical lyrics of the world around them. With lyrics like ‘This country’s free, but it’s free for who?’ and ‘We can’t agree on who deserves human rights,’ it's clear that this is more than just another ska album. 

Besides talking about issues happening in the world, JER also dives into issues surrounding their own life-giving a little insight with lyrics like ‘I’m investing way too much in people that don’t give a single fuck about me’ or ‘I shouldn’t have to prove myself’ or my favorite ‘you don’t understand my existence.’

So many people would dismiss this as teenage angst, but the fact of the matter is that JER’s right. They shouldn’t have to prove themselves to anyone or fit inside any kind of box to be accepted by any community. Be unapologetically yourself! Care about other people! Talk about all the bad things that are happening and fight for things to be better! It’s a relatable lyric and song, a theme that’s repeated a lot on this album.

On ‘Garden of Understanding’, the classic ska back beat is accompanied by beautiful horns layered underneath. On this track, JER’s deep lyrics about an ever-changing world grab your attention and suck you in. It’s easy to get lost in constant hateful rhetoric living in a world where everyone is chronically online; it’s a good reminder that everyone is different, and no one owes an explanation on why they are the way they are. We just need to be respectful of that. Be unapologetically yourself! Care about other people! This song is easily a favorite of the entire album.

As a longtime fan of ska music, anytime another artist enters my radar (especially one as talented as JER), I feel like a little kid at Christmas. Ska often gets a bad rep (I think everyone has seen the ‘teenage boy and mozzarella sticks’ meme), but who can hate when there are artists like JER out killing the game by not only making amazing ska music but making it in their own in a radically, activist unique way. Thanks, JER, for sharing something so raw and powerful with the world!


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