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Mom Jeans | Birmingham, AL

On the sixth stop of the Mom Jeans headlining tour with openers Summer Salt and Hunny, Mom Jeans brought the heat to Birmingham, Alabama on March 9th.

LA band Hunny was first up, and supplied a pop indie-rock tone that the crowd welcomed with open arms, seemingly dancing the night away. Songs “Televised” and “Vowels (And the Importance of Being Me)” clearly resonated within the venue, having many fans yell the lyrics in reply to the band themselves.

Summer Salt was next up for the night. Hit songs “One Last Time” and “Candy Wrappers” helped create a tranquil yet blissful atmosphere. With euphonic tones and harmonious riffs, Summer Salt composed their tropical indie vibe to prepare the crowd for what was to come.

At 9:15 PM, the venue went dark and screams were bouncing off the walls in what sounded like a chant for the main act. Decked out in all black clothing with matching black sunglasses were the members of Mom Jeans, Eric Butler (singer/guitar), Bart Thompson (guitar), Sam Kless (bass), and Austin Carango (drums). Every show of the tour was celebrated in costume by the band and fans alike and Birmingham’s Matrix Night was no different, with Neo lookalikes found in every corner (and on stage). Every song that Mom Jeans played was supported by a non-stop mosh pit on the venue floor. Crowd surfers were seen every 20 seconds, with no rest even during the song breaks. Towards the later part of the set, Mom Jeans played an unreleased song, giving the crowd a sneak peek into what’s to come this year.

Though every song was screamed back by the crowd with more volume and energy each time, “Shred Cruz,” “White Trash Millionaire,” “Poor Boxer Shorts,” “What’s Up,” and finale “Scott Pilgrim vs. My GPA” triggered the loudest cheers I had ever heard. Being one the most fun, energetic, and phenomenal live sets this scene has seen, a Mom Jeans show is not to be missed if given the opportunity to see it.