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Neck Deep | Chicago, IL

Neck Deep took the stage by storm at Bottom Lounge on November 2nd on their 10 Years of Rain in July tour.

Koyo started the show off with a bang -- their energetic music set the tone for the night with a melodic blend of punk rock and emo. The crowd even started stage diving - an indication that the night was going to be a good one. 

Drain amplified the momentum with their set -- filling the venue with heavy notes of hardcore. At any given moment there was someone stage diving (at one point there were over seven stage divers on the stage). The lead singer rallied up the crowd, even pulling people up from the stage to dive. Their energy was infectious, proving they are one of the best hardcore bands out there right now!

As Drain finished their set, the crowd quickly filled up any gaps, as each attendee tried to get as close to the stage as possible to see Neck Deep.

As Neck Deep came on, the crowd went crazy. With visible excitement in everyone’s faces, the crowd knew they were about to witness an album played live that was such a vital part of their lives. As the first song began, fans went crazy and continued the stage dives and crowd surfing. There was no barricade, so photographers and fans alike were moved along in synchronization to the songs and energy of the crowd. In between songs, they had wholesome banter about the nostalgia of the songs, how grateful they are to be supported as a band, and how things have come so far in the last decade since Rain in July came out. They even shared the news that someone was attending their 50th Neck Deep show. Stage banter also extended to the “lost and found” duty - returning glasses, wallets, phones, and more. They then slowed things down with two acoustic songs back to back, and the crowd went wild for “A Part of Me”. When they picked the energy back up, the crowd felt even more alive than before - each attendee wanting to make the most of the time that was left in the show. As each song played, nostalgia and energy filled the room. Many guitar picks were given out to fans that grasped onto them for dear life. Once they finished their set, they thanked all of the fans, who had all just experienced a show that they would remember for the rest of their lives. 

Photos and Review by Kelly Ngo