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The Plot In You | Baltimore, MD

The Swan Song Tour came to Baltimore, Maryland on November 19th at The Soundstage. The tour package consisted of The Plot In You, Silent Planet, Avoid, and Cane Hill. This is The Plot In You’s headliner for their album Swan Songs that came out just over a year ago.

As soon as Cane Hill took the stage, the crowd was ready. This band has really been making a name for themselves over the last few years. They opened up with “Kill Me”, and the crowd surfers started coming. They played five more songs to follow, ending with “Too Far Gone”.

The next band up was Avoid. They played a ton of songs from their brand new album Cult Mentality. Avoid’s vocalist has a ton of energy and charisma - at one point he jumped into the crowd and crowd surfed, the band’s bassist joining shortly after. 

Next up was Silent Planet. From the first notes of set opener “Panopticon”, the crowd was ready to scream the words to every song they played. This band has a knack for writing songs that you can feel connected with. Both Andy Cizek of Monuments and Avoid’s vocalist Benny Scholl joined the band for guest vocal appearances. Silent Planet performed an unreleased song called “Escape Pod” and ended their set with fan-favorite “Trilogy”.

Finally, The Plot In You took to the stage. They opened their set with “Face Me”, “Fall Again”, and “Paradigm” - all off of their newest album Swan Songs. Fans were consistently crowd surfing the entire night. Landon Tewers’ vocal range is incredible - switching from high-pitched screaming to melodic vocal hooks. The band played “Divide”, a song which brings sharp riffs and an impressive  sense of melody which the crowd loved. Their set ended with “Feel Nothing”, a track that truly highlights Tewers’ vocal range, leaving the crowd shouting for more as the band walked off the stage.