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SAPPHIRE Interview

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SAPPHIRE, the rising voice of Gen Z, introduces her latest pop sensation "crisis". Hailing from London, SAPPHIRE has garnered global acclaim for her vocal prowess and compositional finesse. Following the success of “corvette”, her new track is a dance-worthy anthem inspired by the British coming-of-age series Heartstopper, capturing the whirlwind of emotions tied to unexpected love. In a conversation with SAPPHIRE, she shares the inspiration behind the track, her artistry and upcoming plans.

- Hey SAPPHIRE! Can you start by introducing yourself to our readers and telling us more about the story behind your stage name?

Hiiii! I’m Saph and I’m a british girlie who makes music!! Unfortunately the story behind my stage name (SAPPHIRE) is that it’s the name on my birth certificate…haha

- Your latest single 'crisis' is inspired by the British coming-of-age series "Heartstopper". Can you tell us more about the show's influence on your music and the creative process behind the song?

That show kinda changed my life. I was watching the show and was so inspired by the character arcs. It’s so beautiful. The lyrics “having a crisis” came to me whilst I was brushing my teeth after I watched the episode called ‘Secret’…

- What made 'crisis' feel like a "main character moment" to you, and how did you want your listeners to feel when they first heard it?

I think it feels like a main character moment because you can scream the lyrics so loud!! I love the opening songs of 00s rom-coms, and I feel like we tapped into that energy with ‘crisis’. I hope everyone who listens feels like they’re kick-starting their day with good vibes.

- You've been recording music and covers since you were just 7 years old. How has your journey as a musician evolved over the years, and what have been some of the most significant milestones in your career so far?

It’s evolved so much. I’ve grown so much. So much has happened. The biggest milestones honestly have been where I’ve gone out somewhere and someone has come up to me and said “you music has changed my life” - those moments make everything worth it.

- You have a massive fanbase across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. How do you connect with your fans and what role have they played in shaping your musical journey?

My fans have shaped my entire music journey. They’re the reason I’m able to do any of this… I’m so incredibly grateful for them, and quite honestly, we’re all just one big family. Social media gives us the opportunity to connect via comments, livestreams and broadcast channels which is amazing. I love it, we have a good laugh.

- Can you give us a sneak peek of what you have in store for your fans for the end of 2023/early 2024? Any upcoming projects or releases you can share with us?

The end of 2023 brings my new EP called ‘test drive’ which I promised my fans a long time ago. I’m super excited for it to finally be released into the big wide world! And 2024 is already looking like a freaking good time….

- Lastly, in the rapidly evolving music industry, what advice do you have for aspiring young artists looking to make their mark and build a successful career?

Be. Yourself. I know everyyyyyyyone says it, but it’s so true. And never give up. I’m a massive believer in manifestation, so create a vision board and visualise your dream life. You’ve got this.

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