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Spencer Sutherland | Boston, MA

Spencer Sutherland stopped in Boston to perform at Brighton Music Hall this past weekend in support of his new album In His Mania. The line quickly wrapped around the building as the time for doors approached. Many of his fans are known to catch multiple show dates, some even arrived as early as 10AM the day of to secure a spot on the barricade.

Opening acts Micheal Minelli and Jordy brought a strong stage presence and set the night off with a bang. Each artist presented a different style of music to the crowd, but kept the same high energy throughout their sets - further energizing an amped up crowd. All of the artists took time to express their gratitude for everyone in attendance and the energy that they brought. Jordy made it a point to talk about the coming release of his newest album and even performed an unreleased song for the crowd. Collectively, both artists created a safe and welcoming space which set the tone for the night. 

Shortly following the opening acts, Spencer took the stage with electric energy, which never seemed to dwindle. Even while performing a few of his calmer songs, he seemed to be holding that energy in before exploding on the next song. Southerland communicated a lot with his crowd and tried to be as interactive as possible with them. He performed a variety of different songs from his newest album - including “Flower”, “Jealousy”, and “Cry”. At one point in the show, Southerland walked off the stage, and ended up behind everyone, much to the surprise of the crowd. He then performed a song at the soundboard and made his way back up to the stage. Overall, the space created at his shows is very warm and welcoming, while still having that high energy.