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Silversun Pickups | Nashville, TN

Late last month, Silversun pickups performed in Nashville at Brooklyn Bowl. Fans were overjoyed as the band explored over 18 years of music with a diverse setlist of hits and deep tracks.

Opening the night was supporting band, Hello Mary, of New York City. This talented 3 piece set crushed it as they pushed intense bass riffs that trailed and complimented the phenomenal drumming of Stella Wave. All the while guitar riffs seemed to stylize their performance and tie it all together. If you haven’t checked this band out they definitely deserve your attention.

Following the close of Hello Mary’s set, there was what seemed like an electric pause as house music filled the room before Silversun Pickups took the stage. 

Suddenly the lights dimmed and bass riffs led the audience into the beginnings of Growing Old is Getting old. As the opening song built up so did the intensity of the lighting. Strobes filled the room as the song hit its climax. The audience was hooked as the band pushed through their diverse setlist. Some of the hit tracks including Panic Switch, Circadian Rhythm, and Kissing Families. The crowd remained engaged and singing along until the close of their performance. 

To no-ones surprise the band returned for a high energy 4 track encore including a new and unknown song performed by Brian solo before leading into the moment everyone was waiting for, the opening notes to Lazy Eye.

At the close of the encore the band lets notes hang as they slowly left the stage. Brian Aubert (vocalist) hauntingly continued strumming his guitar as he left the stage and followed the stairs to the green room.