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The Devil Wears Prada | Iowa City, IA

An exciting tour coming through one of the country’s most popular college towns, The Devil Wears Prada in Iowa City. It was definitely an eventful Friday night at the University of Iowa as people came out to see The Devil Wears Prada perform With Roots Above and Branches Below in full. The heavy amount of rain coming through the area that day slowed the traveling process from Chicago, which led to missing ‘68 and Fit For A King’s sets sadly. However, the timing was close enough to get there just in time for TDWP.

Prada came to the stage with an excessive amount of light, giving all members of the band a glowing effect as they performed. Aside from the lighting, the band performed beautifully. The instrumentals were flawless, as well as Mike and Jeremy’s vocals were immaculate. As they performed a few songs that were from recent albums at first, many fans started to begin crowd surfing. This would only carry on for the rest of the night. It was a good warm-up hearing “Planet A” and “Born To Lose” before getting into what fans really came to see. Once “Sassafras” started it was game over for anyone standing still. The energy did not leave the room whatsoever. The band even played a slower song on the album, “Louder Than Thunder” which only led a massive sing along in the venue. It was a beautiful experience, to say the least, especially if one was familiar with the album. The Devil Wears Prada did not disappoint Iowa City in the slightest.