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The Homecoming "Chasing Ghosts" Review

Like most Chicago hometown bands, The Homecoming is presenting their leftover teen angst through their edgy, punk rock storytelling. Yet, what sets this album apart from the rest of the scene is their energetic introductions and smooth handover from song to song.

Setting the mood for autumn 2018, The Homecoming’s release of Chasing Ghosts shows inspiration from bands like Blink 182 and All Time Low. Filled with super relatable lyrics, this release is begging for sing-alongs and some well-deserved attention for all the right reasons.

Combining a memorable drum beat with an upbeat guitar rhythm, the opening song The Waiting Game catches listeners’ attention by sharing the story of reliving the pain through memories and having to break away from a person when it’s too painful to look back in that relationship.“I never wanted to break away from you but there’s hesitation in the way you say my name.”

Darling, Dearest, Dead is the perfect anthem song in this collection, the catchy chorus along with lyrics “fuck the world I’ll make my own luck” are begging to be screamed back from a crowd.

A song like Coming Down surly presents itself in a way that’ll grab any Blink fan’s attention with a catchy but somewhat familiar intro. Regardless, with all the angst through the release, this small calm down is much needed but still keeps you wanting more.

Neverafter, the second single off this release, definitely shows The Homecoming’s punk roots and teen angst brewing inside them. This song presents its upbeat, fun, and tough energy within the first second and carries out through the entire 3 minutes 49 seconds. It’s also definitely the song you can catch me lip-syncing to and living out my pretend music video dreams with.

Bringing it to an end, Autopsy is the perfect closing for this EP. From sharing stories of holding on for far too long, this song closes the door by growing into the process of understanding that it’s time to let go.

All in all, this album shares stories of allowing yourself to grow apart and recognize change is necessary for that growth to happen when you didn’t plan for it. Don’t forget to pick up your own copy of Chasing Ghosts when it comes out on August 31.


Review by McKenzie Lacefield