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The Weekend Run Club "Okay for You" Review

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In a day and age where everyone wants to sound like the next big thing, it’s hard to find new music that doesn’t have the same tone that every other band has as a “signature” sound; that’s what makes finding a gem like Okay for You from The Weekend Run Club such a delight to listen to.

With clean tones, easy melodies, and smooth melodies that keep you pressing play over and over and over again, it’s hard not to fall in love with the band’s newest release. The lyrics are written in a way that are simple, yet stay with you and get you lost within them, even after a song has ended. Although the EP doesn’t have heavy distortion or pounding kick that one would normally associate with “a jam”, the memorable leads and and unique vocals make it difficult to not move your body to their music.

The EP is incredibly refreshing and The Weekend Run Club definitely knows their sound and how to roll with it.  Songs like “Heartbreak” and “Holliday” capture the true essence of the EP and you’d frankly be doing yourself a disservice not listening to Okay for You any chance you get.