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Underoath | Nashville, TN

This past Sunday, Underoath closed out their Spring 2023 tour in Nashville, Tennessee at Marathon Music Works. The tour kicked off earlier this March following the release of their single “Let Go”. To round out the bill, the band was supported by Loathe and Periphery. 

Loathe opened the night and immediately set the tone for their performance. Their diverse setlist moved from their heavier tracks to their moodier pieces like “Is It Really You”. Periphery followed and added to the sound with their djent style. Their set included some of their top played tracks like “Atropos” and closed their performance with “Marigold”. Underoath was up next and they entered the stage to a roaring crowd. Their setlist explored their discography as they played older tracks like “Reinventing Your Exit” and newer tracks like their recent release “Let Go”. Aaron Gillespie pushed their set with his aggressive drums. The crowd was hooked as the band moved between different eras of Underoath and they closed the night out with their hit track “Writing on the Walls”.