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William Ryan Key | Chicago, IL

William Ryan Key, formerly of Yellowcard, brought his tour with Selfish Things, Cory Wells, and Mark Rose to Beat Kitchen in Chicago, IL on March 9th, 2018. It was a rainy Saturday night, but that didn't stop anyone from coming out to the show.

The show started off with the acoustic act Mark Rose, singer of Spitalfield. A surprising amount of the crowd was singing along to Rose’s songs. His set was followed by Cory Wells, another acoustic singer-songwriter. Seemingly most people were not familiar with his music, but the crowd was still very into his performance.

Finally, Selfish Things took the stage. They started off with a very energetic stage presence. The whole room was moving along. They continued their set and slowly progressed to a softer sound where the vocalist performed solo with a piano. The diversity in their performance was incredible. It is safe to assume that everyone was astonished by Selfish Thing’s performance.

Lastly, William Ryan Key performed. The crowd was ecstatic to see the former Yellowcard vocalist take the stage. His sound is incredibly different from what you would expect based off of his previous acts; although, the crowd seemed to enjoy it. Overall the show had a lineup stacked full of incredible artists, and a room packed full of music enthusiasts.

Gallery & Review by Allie Loven.