Action/Adventure | Chicago, IL

Action/Adventure kicked off their short run with Fishbone last night in their hometown of Chicago, IL with a setlist full of the perfect mix of new and old songs, capturing the attention of longtime fans as well as those who had never heard of them before the show started.

Be sure to catch them on one of their upcoming dates with Fishbone & follow them on social media to stay up to date with all things Action/Adventure!

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Kaitlyn Ciccotelli

Hey, I’m Kaitlyn! I’m a full-time photographer and talent buyer here in Chicago! I started doing photography when I was 8 years old and have been a full-time photographer with a focus on live music, weddings & couples since 2017!

I started CHARM back in 2017 as a way for my friends to cover bigger shows and it’s just grown like a weed since then. After a brief covid-related hiatus, Erin joined me in bringing it back & I couldn’t be more excited to be back with such an incredible team.

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