Hazel Gaze Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Hazel Gaze Interview

Dive into the evocative soundscapes of Hazel Gaze, the indie rock band known for their poignant lyricism and captivating melodies. Hailing from NYC, Hazel Gaze just returned with their third single of the year, "Until I See You Again" on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024. This powerful track is an exploration of grief and resilience, showcasing the band's remarkable ability to convey deep emotional narratives through their music.

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Lucas Horne Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Lucas Horne Interview

Lucas Horne, is a talented artist known for his innovative sound and genre-defying music. His new single "Secret" is sure to become a catchy summer tune while offering an introspective journey into the scattered thoughts that individuals with ADHD often fight with.

We got to chat with Lucas Horne around this new release to talk about his artistic background, music collaborations and upcoming debut EP.

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Michael Isaak Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Michael Isaak Interview

Michael Isaak, Egyptian-American songwriter based in Los Angeles, just unveiled his debut EP, "Forever is a Scary Word”. Merging indie pop and folk, he intricately weaves his rich cultural heritage into his music, offering listeners a poignant narrative of personal growth and coming-of-age experiences. We got to chat with the talented artist around the release.

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Wind Walkers Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Wind Walkers Interview

Wind Walkers, the genre-defying visionaries, are back and stronger than ever with their groundbreaking new album "What If I Break?". We got to chat with them about how the band came to be, their new album, and upcoming plans.

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Erin Greider Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Erin Greider Interview

Los Angeles' very own Erin Greider invites you into her most intimate musical realm with the release of her new single, "Pockets". This piano-driven ballad delves into the intricacies of vulnerability and the lingering ache of regret. Erin sat down with us to talk about her background, her artistry, and new release.

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Bo Baskoro Interview
Interviews Laury Verdoux Interviews Laury Verdoux

Bo Baskoro Interview

Bo Baskoro's artistic journey extends beyond the conventional, as he recently unveiled a new pop track “The Lonely Nights”. We got to chat with him around this new release to talk about his artistic background, challenges, and music collaborations.

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