Bo Baskoro Interview

Singer-songwriter Bo has recently made the move from Portland, Oregon, to the vibrant city of Los Angeles. With a diverse skill set that spans acting, recording artistry, and modeling, Bo has caught the attention of The Osbrink Agency, securing representation in both the commercial and voiceover realms. His modeling credits include renowned brands such as Nike, Toyota, Maxwell House, Columbia Sportswear, Bridge & Burn, and more.

Bo Baskoro's artistic journey extends beyond the conventional, as he recently unveiled a new pop track “The Lonely Nights”. We got to chat with him around this new release to talk about his artistic background, challenges, and music collaborations.

- Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and your journey in the worlds of music and acting/modeling?

Yeah, music had a few different veins of inspirations. The footnotes version is the first thing to ever get me into music was a game called Donkey Kong 64. My favorite character played the trombone and when I saw it in real life for the first time I *had* to learn how to play it. What got me into composing music was a game called Final Fantasy 7. The music is so remarkable and memorable and to this day some of my favorite pieces of music. But the thing that moved me to start writing songs was a tv show called Smallville. It was one of the first superhero shows on The CW and the ending scene music just always did something to me! So after seeing an episode where there was this big breakup and the song “Where I Stood” by Missy Higgins was playing, I knew this is what I wanted to do… basically make sad moments even more sad with music haha.

Acting was something I had always wanted to do but I never really had access to it living where I did. Then the pandemic happened and more things became online and that got me into classes and then I stumbled into a few opportunities here and there and it’s honestly some of the most fun I’ve ever had!

Modeling is interesting because I had a huge hip surgery at one point in my life and during that time I started eating better and exercising which then put me into shape and suddenly I started getting some cool modeling opportunities.

- Can you share the inspiration behind your latest track "The Lonely Nights"?

It’s about the idea of being replaced in a relationship. Some people really just want a relationship and when one gets old or doesn’t go how they want rather than trying to improve it they just dip and find the next shiny thing. Even if the other person was more invested or I guess more “fallen” for the person.

- I love the dual vision expectations/reality in the music video. Did you come up with the idea yourself or work with a team?

Haha, thank you! Yeah that was my idea. The director Derrich and I were mulling over ideas and I thought that one reflected the message I was trying to give about how you think things are going one way but then reality hits and you look dumb…

- How has your recent move from Portland to Los Angeles impacted your artistic and personal life? Are there specific experiences or inspirations from your new environment that have influenced your work?

That’s a great question! I’d say it’s impacted a lot. I’m in an area where everyone is driven by the ambitions of creativity and so I feel like that’s definitely rubbed off on me. It’s also been motivating to just try new things with how I write, how I produce, how I want to see myself as a person and as an artist. It’s just all inspiring!

- Can you share a memorable or challenging moment from your career that has significantly shaped you as an artist?

Like I mentioned before, that hip surgery had me in bed and unable to walk for like half a year. But from that, someone heard about my aspirations and that put me in this campaign with Maxwell House Coffee and they kind of introduced me to a bunch of people that gave me the footing to make a platform for myself in music… to add, somehow that campaign made it to Indonesia where my dad and family that I’ve never met live. That campaign got us in touch and we finally met for the first time. I think that was the craziest experience as an artist and as a person.

- It's commendable that you're open about the health issues you've overcome and your advocacy for mental health. How do you see your role as an artist in raising awareness and inspiring others in this regard?

I’ve never really thought of myself as an artist raising awareness of something like that. I’ve always prioritized people/relationships over my careers/opportunities. So I guess in saying that, it’s ultimately my role as a person to always show kindness, create a safe environment for others and encourage others in their mental health journey however I can. If I ever end up being some sort of influence or have some sort of platform in my careers, I’d love to take that to a higher level. I’ve definitely made statements in my music that reflect my mental health but regardless of being an artist with a platform or without, I’d like to encourage that awareness either way.

- What's next for Bo Baskoro? Are there upcoming projects, releases, or collaborations that you're particularly excited about?

Yeah! I’m really excited! I’ve got a ton more music I’ve been brainstorming the content for. I’m also trying to get my hand in writing trailer music. That genre just captures my soul and I want to badly to be a part of it! I think the biggest thing I’m trying to learn is just make the content and music that fulfills me again. The last few years built up a lot of self-conscious thinking and insecurities because of the people I spent time with and hearing about how people really talk about others. I don’t know, I overthink everything and that stuff sticks with me. So I’m ready to brush all of that off and am excited to have fun!

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Laury Verdoux

I’m a music marketing manager during the day and Christmas movies addict at night I started my career in music with booking in 2018 (my biggest highlight being to work on Elton John’s Tour in France) and discovered the PR/marketing world during the pandemic. After years of working with artists from the USA, all over Europe and South Korea, I’m more passionate than ever about helping artists get their music out to the world. What's better than being able to write about your favorite artists on a daily basis?


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