Lauv | Chicago, IL

Lauv’s All 4 Nothing Tour rolled through Chicago, IL at the Aragon Ballroom on August 12th.

Aidan Bissett opened the show, starting the event off strong by utilizing every inch of the stage. He commanded attention with his catchy melodies and strong instrumentals, making everyone in the crowd move their feet.

Next, Hayley Kiyoko (, who recently put out her new album PANORAMA) took to the stage with a set spanning her three breakout releases. Her presence was something to behold for an opener, with perfectly choreographed dancing creating a unique experience. To close the set, Kiyoko performed fan favorite “Girls Like Girls” while confidently waving a pride flag around from the stage.

When the lights went out for Lauv, you could feel the excitement in the room. From those in the front row with signs about it being their friend's birthday (who he made sure to wish a happy birthday near the middle of the set), to the people in the back of the room - this was the moment everyone had been waiting for all night, and Lauv made sure not to disappoint. He performed in front of massive screens that switched between visuals that were perfectly made to match each song and a projection of him on the stage.

This entire tour is incredibly fun and one that I would highly recommend catching if it's coming to a city near you.

Kaitlyn Ciccotelli

Hey, I’m Kaitlyn! I’m a full-time photographer and talent buyer here in Chicago! I started doing photography when I was 8 years old and have been a full-time photographer with a focus on live music, weddings & couples since 2017!

I started CHARM back in 2017 as a way for my friends to cover bigger shows and it’s just grown like a weed since then. After a brief covid-related hiatus, Erin joined me in bringing it back & I couldn’t be more excited to be back with such an incredible team.

Rare Candy | Chicago, IL


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