Magic Giant & The Brevet | Chicago, IL

California indie folk group Magic Giant is on an extensive North American tour, fitting for a band that’s really hitting their stride this year after releasing their debut album in 2014. They’re supported by The Brevet, a stadium rock group with Americana roots and influences from everything in between. Lincoln Hall was sold out and filled up quickly after the doors opened. For an opening act, The Brevet seemed to draw a lot of people into the venue. They tore through their set- playing folky singalongs, blues grooves, and powerful rock jams. Each member is clearly contributing to the overall sound of the band, they’re an eclectic combination of aesthetics and personalities and their music seems to really benefit from it. Frontman Aric Chase had the crowd clapping and singing along to songs they didn’t know in no time. They were fantastic as an opening act and could definitely hold their own as a headliner. Their new single Locked and Loaded is sure to make it into Spotify playlists and spread by word of mouth this year.

Magic Giant’s guitarist and violinist entered the venue from the very back of the crowd, making their way to the front while playing the opening song. This set the tone for a very personal, interactive show. Every member of the band was constantly in motion, climbing onto stage monitors or reaching out to touch the hands of fans in the front rows. Zambricki Li was perpetually pulling out new instruments for different songs, kicking off the night on violin but bouncing between banjo, lap steel, and mandolin. Austin Bisnow started the show with only the mic in his hand but at times was on a synth pad and even a cello. Their energy was tangible, almost physical, and everyone packing the venue could feel their passion for their music and the connections it built between them.

Gallery & Review by Brandon Phipps


Enter Shikari | Chicago, IL


Microwave | Orlando, FL