Maisie Peters | Chicago, IL

Maisie Peters got to warm up for her first-ever American festival performance with her Lollapalooza after-show at House Of Blues in Chicago, IL on August 5th. 

Taking the stage, Maisie demanded the attention of everyone in the room effortlessly, getting every single person in the sold out House of Blues bouncing and singing along to her opening track “Body Better”, including a few security guards against the stage that were bobbing their heads to the beat. Sounding nearly identical to the album, she spent the entire set showcasing not only her talents in songwriting, singing, and performing; but also her band’s skill on their instruments. 

Her 14-song setlist was thoughtfully crafted to be the perfect balance of her latest album, The Good Witch, as well as previous releases for fans both new and old.

Kaitlyn Ciccotelli

Hey, I’m Kaitlyn! I’m a full-time photographer and talent buyer here in Chicago! I started doing photography when I was 8 years old and have been a full-time photographer with a focus on live music, weddings & couples since 2017!

I started CHARM back in 2017 as a way for my friends to cover bigger shows and it’s just grown like a weed since then. After a brief covid-related hiatus, Erin joined me in bringing it back & I couldn’t be more excited to be back with such an incredible team.

Movements "RUCKUS!" Review


Glaive | Atlanta, GA