Silverstein | Wilmington, DE

The Misery Made Me tour stopped in Wilmington, Delaware for a sold-out show at The Queen. The first band to take the stage was the melodic hardcore band One Step Closer. They opened their set with "Dark Blue". This band knows how to set the energy for the night. The vocalist constantly moved around, and the crowd reciprocated the same energy. 

SeeYouSpaceCowboy was up next. They took the stage to the theme song "Tank!" from the show Cowboy Bebop where their name originated from. They played some fan favorites, "Misinterpreting Constellations", "Armed With Their Teeth", and "911 Call: Help I've Overdosed On Philosophy!". These songs showcased how insane Connie's vocals are and how energetic the band is. They were constantly moving, and so was the crowd!

Dayseeker took the stage next, and the crowd was ready for them. The band played several fan-favorite songs, "Burial Plot", "Crooked Soul", and "Crying While You're Dancing". These songs kept the crowd surfing and the movement within the crowd moving. They closed their set with "Neon Grave”. Rory dedicated this song to his father, who passed away last year. You could feel the emotion in the room while he sang this song.

The crowd was ready for Silverstein to take the stage. They started their set with "UltraViolet". This band knows how to pick their setlist, and the crowd knows how to respond. They played many old songs like "American Dream”, "The Ides Of March", and "Massachusetts”, which showed Shane's insane vocal range. The security guards kept catching the non-stop crowd surfers. At one point during their set, Shane announced they would play "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park, which they dedicated to the first band that played One Step Closer. The crowd sang every word of the song. The show's highlight is when the band played a fan favorite, "My Heroine". Shane stopped singing at one point, and you could hear the entire room singing right where he had left off. The rest of the night consisted of the crowd singing and constantly moving to each song played.


Aly & AJ | Nashville, TN


Fox Revett "TWICE" Premiere