Sleater Kinney | Portland, OR

It was slightly hazy, but temperate, at Pioneer Courthouse Square for the opening night of their 2024 Summer series. Amyl and the Sniffers kicked off the evening. The Australian rock band immediately raised the energy with lead singer Amy Taylor dancing and jumping across the stage. The energy did not let up, and her voice did not waver. She gave a shoutout to women, nonbinary, and trans people, stating you should be whatever you want and that she likes to dress in "skanky clothes." The crowd created a small mosh pit and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the set, including "I Got You" and "Security."

Sleater-Kinney came on stage as the sun began to set. They started their set with "Hell" and kept up the lively energy that the supporting act had left. They then slowed it down with "Dress Yourself." Afterward, Portlandia actress Carrie Brownstein joked that Amyl and the Sniffers made them sound like sad girl music but promised they were not. The band continued with songs carrying special messages. First, they played "Jumpers," where Brownstein said to the crowd that if they ever felt despondent and were trying to find a reason to keep going, she sees them. This was followed by "The Future Is Here," where Corin Tucker shared how excited she is at the possibility of a female President and partnered with HeadCount, who was registering people to vote before the show. The crowd danced throughout the night, notably to "Modern Girl." When "Dig Me Out" was played, fans who were on their way out to beat the crowd could be seen running back to listen. The band brought out a string quartet to play their three-song encore, ending an energetic evening in downtown Portland, Oregon.

Christina Hall

Christina is half-Korean, originally from the Midwest, now living in a Pacific Northwest world. Despite enjoying live music, she’s a morning person all the way. After being told not to pursue another form of art, she turned to photography at a young age. Christina was always the friend taking photos and eventually turned it into a creative outlet while enhancing her self-esteem and body image. When she’s not at a show she’s either spending time with her significant other and pups, slinging spreadsheets at her 9-5, or taking photos for local business owners, elevating their brands. Christina is a recovering perfectionist who is optimistic, compassionate, and has a dry sense of humor (sending TikTok’s is a love language).


Excellency Music Festival 2024


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