Wavves | Nashville, TN

It's been 12 years since King of the Beach was released and Wavves is still bringing the same level of energy as they did back in 2010. To celebrate this hit record, Wavves embarked on a national anniversary tour with Smut (Chicago, IL) and BOYO (Los Angeles, CA).

Smut opened the show and I was immediately hooked. Their sound seemed to have shoegaze influences as well as 90s alternative pop. The crowd seemed to almost be in a trance-like state as the band explored soft dreamy melodies to thunderous crescendos. I highly recommend anyone who has not already looked into this band to add them to their summer/fall playlists.

Next up was BOYO, a project fronted by Robert Tilden, that brought a refreshing blend of melancholy bedroom pop and fuzzy guitars. It was clear the touring package was very supportive of one another as Smut would call out to them from the merch tables with playful banter. This is another band you do not want to miss out on.

Closing out the night was Wavves. The energy in the room changed the second they walked onto the stage. Push pits opened up and crowd surfing began as the band played through classics ranging from Nine Is God and Linus Spacehead to deeper tracks like No Hope Kids from their 2009 self-titled release. The crowd if anything only got more excited as the night went on. To close the night, the band played the hit track, Green Eyes, which fed into a thunderous and chaotic outro.

Oli Fitzgerald

Hi my name is Oliver and I currently live in Clarksville, TN but there’s a chance I will be moving soon. I first picked up a camera at the end of 2018 and have been loving it ever since.


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Rarity | Chicago, IL