Alvvays | Eugene, OR

It was a dreamy night in Eugene, OR when Canadian indie pop band Alvvays came back to town. Just two weeks after the release of their new album Blue Rev, fans were buzzing with excitement for the band to hit the stage to hear their favorite songs off the new album, as well as their classic songs like “Archie, Marry Me.”

Slow Pulp started the night out. Although the rest of the band was not able to be there for the performance, lead singer Emily Massey gave a special acoustic performance just for the two Oregon shows of the tour. Even though it was a last minute change, Massey was a natural on stage, and you would have never guessed she prepared the set just days ago while driving through Idaho. She was all smiles and connected with the crowd through her beautiful voice and witty jokes between songs. 

The room filled with applause and cheers the moment Alvvays came on stage. The band enchanted the crowd with their dream pop music that sounded identical to their records. The lighting and graphics throughout the night added an extra layer of magic to the show. 

Everyone was singing and dancing along to every song performed. Even fans up on the balcony were bobbing their heads along to the infectious music. The show was just a day before a big game in town, and the band was very appreciative of the fans that came out to see the show that night. 

Overall, Alvvays and Slow Pulp put on an amazing show. Both bands were able to make the audience fall in love with them all over again with their charm and magical stage presence. Lead singer of Alvvays, Molly Rankin, was a highlight of the night. Her utter talent and hauntingly beautiful voice made the night that much more wonderful.

Kyla Rudd

Howdy! My name is Kyla. I grew up in Florida, but I now live in Eugene, OR. I have been doing photography for almost 8 years, and I am finally getting back into doing music photography after a long hiatus. Music and concerts have always been a big part of my life, and I’ve always dreamed of shooting concerts. My favorite band is COIN, who I have seen live 5 times and have a heart drawn by the lead singer as my first tattoo.


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