Senses Fail | Nashville, TN

Senses Fail brought the Hell is in Your Head tour to Basement East in Nashville for one final banger with The Home Team and Action/Adventure before the tour finished up. The combination of the pop-punk, rock, and post-hardcore bands created a harmonious blend that built in intensity throughout the night.

Action/Adventure took the stage first and opened with “Imposter Syndrome”. As the Chicago band worked through their quick set, they mentioned the significance of being on such a cool tour as a band fully comprised of POC. By the end of their final song, “Carolina Reaper”, the crowd was giving their full attention and love with some of the loudest cheers of the night.

The Home Team was next, coming in strong and only getting stronger. Fans and first time listeners alike were quickly roped into the energy from lead singer, Brian Butcher, and even the bartenders were taking time out of making drinks to applaud for the songs. Their set mostly consisted of songs from their most recent album, Slow Bloom, but it was clear that no one seemed to mind and were only upset when the band played their final note and left the stage.

Senses Fail had beats so powerful it cleared sinuses and could even be felt from outside on the smoker’s patio. While the tour was named after their most recent album, Hell is in Your Head, the band only played “Death by Water” and spent the rest of their time focusing on their previous albums, primarily Still Searching and Let It Enfold You. Constantly smiling and interacting with the crowd, Senses Fail made it crystal clear how much they love performing, even lead singer Buddy Nielson showed some love to the photographers in the photo pit by lying down on the stage and striking poses that can only be described as perfection. Anyone who might have walked into Basement East not knowing or being a fan certainly did not leave the same way. Even after two decades, this band has proven that they are something special and worthy of their legendary reputation.

Erin Broxton

Hi hi! My name is Erin. I’ve been shooting shows since 2014 and I currently live in Nashville.


Valley | Chicago, IL


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