Caye 'We Love" Interview

Following the release of his album We Love, the artist/producer/songwriter Caye sat down with us for a little chat. The musician from Santa Monica unveiled an album that reflects his own experiences as a creative and as a person. He wrote and produced all the songs almost exclusively by himself and experimented with various sounds. From wavy didgeridoo lines, and sultry piano melodies to high-flying guitar solos, and energetic basslines, Caye creates music that’s emotionally engaging and spectacularly cinematic.

1. What was the starting point of your career in the music industry?

There are a few starting points:

  1. The first was when I first decided I WANTED to be an artist. I was 13 years old when I spent the summer in Trinidad with a family down there learning about their music culture and the Steel Drum. Seeing the way that family connected through music left a huge impact on me.

  2. The second was when I decided that I COULD be an Artist. I was releasing music on Soundcloud and Spotify when one of my songs, Coma, started gaining some real traction. I got my first streaming check from Tunecore for about $1,000, and I realized I could actually make money through music. 

  3. The third was when I’d say I actually BECAME an Artist. I had been in college at Thornton at USC for a year when I got an offer to open up on tour for a Canadian funk band. I decided to take a leave of absence from school that fall to pursue my career and I haven’t looked back. 

2. You're always experimenting with various sounds to make your own, so how would you describe your music?

I get this question a lot, and it’s always hard for me to pinpoint. I don't ever think about my music as a certain genre. Defining it that way feels limiting and I don't like to be boxed in. My music really just reflects me. I try to make things that sound good to me and I release the ones that continue to resonate over time. Some of my biggest influences musically though are Bob Marley, John Mayer, Kanye West, and Bon Iver. 

3. In 2020 you went on an artistic journey in isolated places all around California, what motivated that? Did you feel the need to change your landscape to find inspiration?

My lease had just ended in LA and my roommates and I decided that we should explore different areas around California instead of finding a long-term lease in LA. It was a life-changing journey and gave me the time and space to really create the music that I wanted to. Sometimes we go through phases where we’re very exposed to the world and it influences us in ways that we don’t even realize. I learned that getting away from some influences, going to an isolated place, and exposing myself to different ones is extremely healthy for inspiration and the mind. 

4. You've been producing music for others like Alessia Cara and Meghan Trainor, what was your best collaboration so far?

I’m really lucky to have worked with some big names. My favorite stuff, though, is always made with the people closest I’m closest with. The people I love and have the deepest connections with are the ones I make the best, most honest music with.

5. You're about to release your very first album We Love - Congratulations! What can you tell us about it?

I’m super excited to have this out in the world. It’s taken me some time to find a POV on music that feels authentically me. The music on this album is the most honest and truthful music I’ve made to date, and it really reflects me and where I am at this point in life. The album focuses on three big themes: Love, Time, and Money. All things that we care about to different extents, can rule our lives and need to be thoughtfully approached to live a fulfilling life. I think there’s a lot in there, not just musically, but also lyrically that people will connect with.

6. What's your favorite track from the album and why?

I can’t ever pick one! My favorite track changes daily. They all hit hard at different times. It really depends on the mood I’m in when listening. Today, the introspection and serenity of A DOOR are really speaking to me.

7. What's coming next? Any plans for 2023?

I’ll finally be playing this music live, which I’m incredibly excited about. I’m going on my first headline tour across North America, kicking off on March 1. You can expect a lot of great shows and definitely more exciting music coming soon.

Laury Verdoux

I’m a music marketing manager during the day and Christmas movies addict at night I started my career in music with booking in 2018 (my biggest highlight being to work on Elton John’s Tour in France) and discovered the PR/marketing world during the pandemic. After years of working with artists from the USA, all over Europe and South Korea, I’m more passionate than ever about helping artists get their music out to the world. What's better than being able to write about your favorite artists on a daily basis?


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