This Week in Music | 1.26.24
Catching you up on the things you might have missed this week.
Dead Poet Society “Fission” Review
Dead Poet Society’s sophomore album, FISSION, can be likened to a meticulously crafted piece of baroque artistry, where every creative element is thoughtfully placed to create a captivating experience.
This Week in Music | 1.19.24
Catching you up on the things you might have missed this week.
Neck Deep “Neck Deep” Review
Neck Deep pulls out all the stops to remind the listener why the band remains a mainstay of pop-punk and rock music, combining its energetic pace and genuine lyrics to form an exceptional piece of art. The album is more than worthy of bearing the band’s name as its title, as this is the most definitive version of Neck Deep to date.
Bo Baskoro Interview
Bo Baskoro's artistic journey extends beyond the conventional, as he recently unveiled a new pop track “The Lonely Nights”. We got to chat with him around this new release to talk about his artistic background, challenges, and music collaborations.
The Sees Interview
Brooklyn-based band, The Sees, recently unveiled an album named Conversations With My Future Self. Offering a mesmerizing blend of captivating instrumental breakdowns, standout guitar riffs, and a rich tapestry of sonic textures, the album delves into the intricate nuances of time, global reflection, oneness, and even ventures into the romantic concept of time travel.
This Week in Music | 1.12.24
Catching you up on the things you might have missed this week.
This Week in Music | 1.5.24
Catching you up on the things you might have missed this week.
I Fight Dragons | Chicago, IL
As 2023 came to an end, Chicago natives I Fight Dragons played one last show before their hiatus (appropriately titled Smell Ya Later) at Bottom Lounge on December 30th.